26 September 2010

A new beginning,tomorrow...

Attachment: PharmNotts activities througout 2009/2010

(pictures compiled and contributed by Mr Jing Yee Goh)

The 1st lecture for both Year 1 & 2 is commencing on the 27th Sept 2010, which is TOMORROW!

I shall assume that most of us at least had a glance at the NEW timetable.and your reaction maybe,like this *roll eyes* and *faint* or this *jumping in joy*

I guess this is a very good beginning for everyone.

To the Year 1, welcome to the PharmNotts BIG family and we hope that you had enjoyed the 2 days orientation that the Year 2 had organised for you all.

To the Year 2, welcome back to the university! I hope everyone are settle with their accommodation and oh, have you collected your notes for 1st lecture for this coming Monday? (shouldn't be so stress up, right?)

The next post will be about the Year 1 MPharm(Sept2010 intake) ORIENTATION! Weeeee~

Coming soon....Stay tuned on PHARMROCKS!

Lily GL Sia

PharmNotts IT Officer 2010/2011

19 September 2010

Welcome to MPharm Year2

Hello thereeeee~
Missing the lecturers?
Missing your friends back in UNMC?
Missing the labs, reports, workshops and lectures?
Welcome back to UNMC!
Congratulations that you had survived your Year 1 MPharm
Welcome aboard to the flight to Year 2 MPharm!
Remember to register on the 24th September 2010, 9.30am to 4.30pm, F1 building
For those who are still in their Dreamland and "Holiday mode", WAKE UP!!!
Lectures will be on as usual on the 27th September 2010 (Monday)
See you there!
Lily GL Sia
PharmNotts IT Officer 10/11
P/S: Do drop by at the SA Circle to help out at the PharmNotts booth for the Safe Sex & Reproductive Health Week
(21 September 2010(Tues) ------ 25th September 2010 (Sat))
10am to 2pm

16 September 2010

MPA & MMA Seminar

Date: 11th July 2010
Venue: Medical Academies of Malaysia
Time: 8.30 am to 5.00pm
Theme: Doctors & Pharmacists As Partners in Healthcare

We are really glad that the pharmacy students from the University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus were invited to attend this historical event.
6 representatives from PharmNotts were sent to attend the seminar.
Yes,the 1st ever seminar held in joint by Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPA) and Malaysia Medical Association (MMA)
Some may think Pharmacists and Doctors are loggerheads, probably because of the dispensing right issues and other factors.
However, we must never forget that in our healthcare system both profession play important roles. Pharmacists and Doctors should work hand in hand to promote a healthy nation and a better future for the country. Opening ceremony was launched by YB Dato' Sri Liow Tiong Lai

I think Dr Quek gives a very good summary about the whole event
Click this link ---> http://myhealth-matters.blogspot.com/2010/07/mps-mma-seminar-2010-doctors-and.html


Welcome to Malaysia my friend!

02 September 2010

Hello, juniors!

Welcome to PharmNotts big family this September, juniors!
Hope to meet you all soon during the
PharmNotts orientation on the 24th and 25th September 2010.

Oh, don't fret, this is just a new beginning.
I bet you'll fall in love with the 2+2 MPharm course in Malaysia campus soon.

Lily Sia
PharmNotts IT Officer 10/11

9th APPS Korea,finally~

It's been such a long drag since the last post.
Sorry my dear PharmRocks reader, hope you don't mind.
So here the post about this year 9th APPS in Seoul, Korea.

10 reps was sent by PharmNotts to attend this annual event!

Q: What's about APPS Korea that leave a deep impression on you?
A: Overall, Korea is really an advanced country. I really like the effective transportation in Korea. As well as the weather. During the event, we learnt a lot on patients counseling and the pharmacy organisation in Korea such as the IPSF and APRO in Korea.
For your info, the pharmacists in Korea have the dispensing rights.

Q: What are the highlights of the entire event?
A: During the regional meeting, the reps from each country including MyPSA presented their activity throughout the year and Koh Kai Yee (currently a year 3 student in Nottingham, UK now) was chosen as the best participant in the patient's counsel conference.

Blog post credit goes to Mr Dian Han Ling,
PharmNotts' President (Year 10/11)
IPSF =International Pharmaceutical Student's Federation
APRO = Asia Pacific Regional Officer
For your info,the next stop for the 10th APPS is in Yogjakarta,Indonesia with the theme Pharmacy Profesion Awareness Campaign where as the IPSF World Congress will be held in Hatyai, Thailand. (Hahaahaha, pretty near Malaysia huh?)

See you there next year, Pharmers!
Behind the scene