Attachment: PharmNotts activities througout 2009/2010
(pictures compiled and contributed by Mr Jing Yee Goh)
The 1st lecture for both Year 1 & 2 is commencing on the 27th Sept 2010, which is TOMORROW!
I shall assume that most of us at least had a glance at the NEW timetable.and your reaction maybe,like this *roll eyes* and *faint* or this *jumping in joy*
I guess this is a very good beginning for everyone.
To the Year 1, welcome to the PharmNotts BIG family and we hope that you had enjoyed the 2 days orientation that the Year 2 had organised for you all.
To the Year 2, welcome back to the university! I hope everyone are settle with their accommodation and oh, have you collected your notes for 1st lecture for this coming Monday? (shouldn't be so stress up, right?)
The next post will be about the Year 1 MPharm(Sept2010 intake) ORIENTATION! Weeeee~
Coming soon....Stay tuned on PHARMROCKS!
Lily GL Sia
PharmNotts IT Officer 2010/2011