21 March 2013

Inter-university event 2013: PHARMING MAN

Sounds familiar?

To all pharmacy students in Malaysia,

Greetings from

PharmNotts proudly presents to you an inter-uni event,  
The Pharming Man 2013.

Date : 13/4/2013 (Saturday)

Time : 9am - 6pm
Venue : University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
Application fee : RM 15 per person
(Food, drinks, souvenirs, prizes are provided)

Registration Deadline : 5/4/2013 (Friday)

Feel like escaping from your hectic study life for just a day?

Big fans of Running Man?

Wish to make new awesome friends?

Wish to have fun and enjoy your Saturday?

Wish to compete with our 7 MCs and win the race?

Looking forward to souvenirs and prizes?

What're you waiting for? Sign up now! Limited places are available!

Form a group of 4 persons. Name your team with fabulous name!

Each uni is allowed to send 2 groups of participants.

Kindly fill in the details on the attached application form, and email to  
Shao Qin (khay1ssn@nottingham.edu.my)

Things that are advisable to bring :
- Extra clothings
- Towel
- Cap
- Umbrella
- Water
- Snacks

Warm reminder :
- Wear proper shoes as you will be running!


If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our organizers.
Shao Qin
- 016-3605799
- khay1ssn@nottingham.edu.my
- 010-221 0192
- khay1kku@nottingham.edu.my

Hope to hear from you all very soon.

Thank you!

Shao Qin
Organizer of Pharming Man 2013
Event manager of PharmNotts 2012/13

02 March 2013

Cancer Awareness Health Week

Do you know that one in eight deaths in the world are due to cancer???? 
Do you know that cancer actually causes more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined??? 

Yet, researchers believe that more than half of all cancers and cancer deaths are potentially preventable. 

That’s why,

 this week (4/3/13~8/3/13), PharmNotts are presenting the 

Cancer Awareness Health Week  
to you and your friends, to bring awareness about the cancer and what you could do to prevent getting this “frightening” disease.

A few talks brought to you :

1)Talk   : General Cancer Awareness from NCSM 
Date  : 6th Mar 2013 (Wednesday)
Time  : 1pm - 3pm 
Room : F3C09

2)Talk   : Diet And Cancer from NCSM
Date  : 6th Mar 2013 (Wednesday)
Time  : 3pm - 5pm
Room F3C09

3)Talk  : Palliative Care For Cancer Patients from Penang Hospice
Date : 8th Mar 2013(Thursday)
Time : 12 - 1pm
Room : F3C09

There would be a Blood Donation Drives. Remember, a pack of blood, would make a lot of differences.

Blood Donation Drive
Date: 5th - 7th Mar 2013
Time: 9.30am - 4pm
Venue: SA First Floor

Last but not least, we are going to sell bookmarks for charity. The amount received would be donated for cancer patients.

Remember, a bookmark, gives a hope, to a patient.
Do support us at the SA circle to buy a bookmark or more!!!

Darren Cheng Jian Hao
PharmNotts Assistant IT Officer 2012/13

I attempted to donate blood during Blood Donation Drive last 2 years, but due to some reason I couldn't donate. But this never stop me from attempting to donate again! oh I am definitely going to donate my precious blood on Tuesday to save life! Who's with me?!
-Magdalene Foo-