15 July 2012

11th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium in Taiwan- Chapter 3

Day 3
(All photo credits to APPS 2012 in Taiwan)

The day began with parallel symposium.
The participants had a chance to choose about what they want to learn more. There were 5 different topics such as:
  • The new version of community pharmacy service: home delivery service of chronis illness prescriptions.
  • Role of pharmacists in long-term care and Telecare cooperation.
  • Drug Relief System - Talking about Taiwanese experience
  • Drug-drug, drug-herb and drug-food interaction
  • Counterfeited drug identification techniques and prevention  methods.

There were workshop for each lecture to improve participants' understanding about the topic.

From what I learnt in the ''home delivery service'', currently they are having this medicine delivery service to their home. The prescription were sent to them and the pharmacist delivered the medicine to them. This might be helpful to some of the patients especially when they are having disability. Furthermore, as there maybe some factors in the surrounding affect their body health, the pharmacist able to observe their home surrounding while counseling them at the same time.

After this event, poster exhibition were held in the Ballroom.
The participants of APPS voted the best poster among all in the exhibition.

A picture took from the regional meeting..

Next, we were divided in groups to visit different hospitals, pharmacies and homes in Taiwan.

For my group, we went to WanFang hospital.

What we learnt during the visit?
  • Unlike Malaysia, instead of having some technicians or student helpers in pharmacy department, the Taiwan hospitals only allow pharmacist. So, the workers you see in the department of pharmacy are all PHARMACIST. They check the prescription, label, dispense, double-check prescriptions.
  • They have a autodispense machine to fasten the process after receiving prescription. There are barcodes on prescription after the doctor prescribe. What they have to do is check the barcode on the prescription and the barcode on the medicine pack, ensure the right medicine is given to the patients.
  • Like some of the hospitals in Malaysia, they have unit dose system. The medicines of each patients are placed in the trolley and transfered to each patients in hospital. 
  • Only pharmacists are allow in handling TPN drug / cytotoxic drug

After the visit, we got back to our hotel and prepared for the global night.
Each country have their own performance, so does Malaysia. There were only 2 days for us to prepare the performance. Unfortunately I don't have any videos of our performance. I will try to find the video alright? The overall performance was great. SATU MALAYSIA!

Photo credit: Hanna Ong

A great performance by the Indonesian.

 From Thailand.

 From the execs of APRO
 MALAYSIA dikir barat.
 MALAYSIA fan dance.
 MALAYSIA candle dance.
 MALAYSIA singing
 From Japan.

 From Taiwan, all of us dance together. We got so HIGH!!!!!!!!

A quiz / game prepared by the Australians. The video below is about them mimicking the Australia national bird, Kookaburra (if I'm not mistaken).

A dance performance prepared by the Koreans.

Dance video by the Execs of APRO RWG

Performance from Indonesia.

So we really had a great day and night. Awesome event, awesome countries, awesome friends, awesome day and night.

Alright, a picture to end this post. Us, students of UNMC from APPS Taiwan 2012

Day 4, to be continue....

Magdalene Foo
IT Officer of PharmNotts 2012/2013

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